"Under Our Spell (Japanese fandub lyric)" - English translation

リクエストをいただきまして、以前訳したUnder Our Spellの日本語歌詞を英訳してみました。
2014-08-01 - 量子テレポーテーション - quantum teleportation


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As fast as you blink, you are a prisoner of us
Clap your hands, come closer, you won't be noticed even we cuddle your heart beat.
Now it's too late.

You would be better off loosing your mind, because you cannot resist our sweet melody.
Let the spell goes up higher and higher into the sky.

As fast as you blink, you are a prisoner of us.

We creep up on your heart, with the voice of spider.
We pull at your threads.
We never let you go.

You would be better off loosing your mind, because you cannot resist our sweet melody.
Let the spell goes up higher and higher into the sky.

As fast as you blink, you are a prisoner of us...